Scott ETCG Scott ETCG

Are Third-Party Social Media Marketing Services Worth It?

There are many reasons why you should outsource social media content creation to a social media agency. For one, it will save you time. As a business owner, you likely have a million and one things on your plate. Trying to also handle your social media accounts can be daunting and time-consuming. It's better to leave it to the professionals.

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Scott ETCG Scott ETCG

Why Brand Awareness Matters: The Value of Social Media Content

Many business owners are understandably focused on ROI, and we get it. You have bills to pay! But many business owners ignore the value of brand awareness -- primarily because it can be harder to measure its true impact on future ROI. This often ties into some businesses not seeing the value in organic social media content, but the impact of localized content is powerful!

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Scott ETCG Scott ETCG

Tips For Conducting a Social Media Audit For Your Business

Do you know every social media platform your business has? Let’s face it, once upon a time you heard about that fun new platform and signed up. And then… you never returned. While not every social media platform is necessarily relevant to every business, it’s important to perform regular audits for your business online to see where you are popping up.

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Scott ETCG Scott ETCG

Why Small Businesses and Franchisees Need To Be On Social Media: The Importance of Visibility

Through localized social media content, you are given the ability to connect with customers in your area. If you are a franchisee, this is especially important, as you can use localized social media to connect with potential customers who may not be familiar with your brand. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow you to target users by location, so you can ensure that your message is reaching the people who are most likely to use your products or services. Depending on your industry, these platforms also allow you to connect with other franchisees and small business owners.

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Scott ETCG Scott ETCG

What is Localized Content, and Why Do I Need It?

Localized content is social media posts created specifically for a certain community, region, or market. It takes into account the needs, habits, and preferences of a particular consumer base, and it tailors content to appeal to potential consumers.

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