Tips For Conducting a Social Media Audit For Your Business

Do you know every social media platform your business has? Let’s face it, once upon a time you heard about that fun new platform and signed up. And then… you never returned. While not every social media platform is necessarily relevant to every business, it’s important to perform regular audits for your business online to see where you are popping up.

Where Do I Start?

The first step in conducting a social media audit is to take inventory of all the platforms your business is using. This also includes any accounts you may have created out of curiosity, or utilized more frequently in the past but forgot about. Once you have a list of all the platforms, you need to evaluate each one individually.

To do this, you'll want to consider a few different factors:

  • How often are you active on the platform?

  • How well is the platform performing for your business?

  • What kind of engagement are you getting?

  • How many followers do you have?

  • Are there any negative comments or reviews that need attention?

  • Have you been using consistent branding and tone?

What Do I Do After My Audit?

Once you've evaluated each platform, you can create a plan for how to improve your social media presence moving forward.

A healthy social media profile for a business should include several key elements:

  1. A clear and concise description of what the business does.

  2. A link to the company website.

  3. Regular updates that are interesting and relevant to the company's target audience.

  4. Engaging content that encourages users to interact with the brand.

  5. A call to action that encourages users to take further action, such as visiting the company website or making a purchase.

  6. A strategy for responding to negative comments or feedback.

  7. Regular monitoring of activity levels and engagement to ensure the profile remains active and relevant.

By following these guidelines, businesses can ensure that their social media profile is an effective marketing tool that helps them connect with potential and existing customers.

At Emerging Trends Consulting Group, we provide a FREE Social Media Audit. To request an audit, reach out to us here or give us a call at (678) 483-6380.


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